Swinton Queen Primary School

Swinton Queen Primary School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Queen Street, Mexborough, South Yorkshire, S64 8NE


01709 570438


Applying for a School Place

Admissions Policy

Admissions Policy to Nursery


To request a paper copy of any our policies, please contact the school office: enquiries@sqp.wwpat.org

Anti Bullying - Anti Bullying Policy

Parent Leaflet - Anti Bullying

Attendance - See separate attendance page 

Behaviour - Policy for Behaviour

Policy Statement for the Governing Bodies Behaviour Principles

CME - Children Missing Education Rotherham Policy

Collecting Children at the end of the school day - Policy

Communications - Policy

SQS Home School Partnership - Home School Agreement

Uniform  - Uniform Policy

Photography and Videos in School - Policy

Handwriting- Policy for Handwriting

Feedback - Marking and Feedback

Homework - Policy for Homework

First Aid - Policy

Health and Safety - Policy

Internet Safety - Policy

Mobile Phones - Policy

Sun Safety Policy

Safeguarding Policy

School Meals Allergy and Medical Diet Policy - Dolce Catering

Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs - Policy

Suspension and Exclusion - Policy

Teaching Online Safety in Schools - DFE Guidance

SEND - Policy Statement for SEND

Equality - Equal Opportunities Policy

Equalities and Diversity Leaflet

Charging and Remissions - Policy on Charges and Remissions

Charges - Currently £1 per after school sports/gardening club.  Breakfast Club is £2 per session (£1 for children eligible for Free School Meals)

Complaints Procedures 

Visits - Policy on School Visits

Whistleblowing Policy

Policies relating to GDPR